Yesterday we made ice cream. We don't have a fancy ice cream maker but I've got three good little shakers.
2 TBL Sugar
1 Cup of Half and Half
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 Cup coarse salt (I used Ice Cream salt)
1 gallon size storage bag (I doubled mine)
1 quart size storage bag
Plenty of ice
Toppings of your choice
Combine the sugar, Half and Half, and vanilla in small bag. Fill the gallon bag half full of ice. Pour the salt over the ice. Seal the small bag and put it inside the large bag with the ice. Seal the large bag and shake, shake, shake! It only takes about 5 minutes until you get the consistency of frozen yogurt(see top pic). Each recipe makes one large serving. (See secong pic above)
I will say there seemed to be sort of a strange after taste. Maybe you could experiment with different extracts such as peppermint or lemon etc. Or, you might even be able to add chocolate or strawberry syrup to the half and half before you shake and it might make chocolate - I don't know, I've never tried it but if you do let me know! It was a lot of fun, yummy and a nice cool treat on a hot day! Enjoy!
This is where I found the recipe and instructions