Day 1- Baking Soda Shampoo and Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. Today in the shower I used the recipe of 1 TBL of Baking Soda dissolved in warm water as my shampoo. I had not washed my hair the previous day but I had used Mousse to style my hair. I wondered of the baking soda solution would really get all that gunk out of my hair. Now, I have VERY thick, coarse, curly hair. I poured about a half a cup of the solution all over my hair and scalp. I mixed it in. I rinsed it out. AMAZING! My hair was squeeky clean and felt smooth and soft. It didn't lather but I had no need to reapply. What would it feel like when I got out of the shower and after my hair dried? Read on.
After the baking soda wash I applied about a quarter cup (or less) of the following recipe: 2 TBL of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/2 TBL honey to hot water. I mixed it really well and spread the mixture on the ends of my hair and massaged a bit into my scalp. I let it sit while I finished my shower. I rinsed it out. I wondered if I would smell like vinegar all day.
After the shower I towel dried my hair and it felt clean and smelled clean (not lovely, but not like vinegar- whoo hoo). I put it up in a clip and now that it is mostly dry it still feels clean, doesn't smell like vinegar and the ends are actually soft. I even asked my husband to smell my hair and he said it doesn't smell like vinegar and it smells clean.
So, there you have it. Day 1.
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