I had heard from a friend of mine that she had discovered and was enjoying using a method called the Oil Cleansing Method. She admits to having acne prone skin as well. After briefly talking with her about it I began some research. I read the instructions and the recipe. I read the chat threads. I googled it. I read it again and again and I just couldn't believe it. I even read it to my sister and she sort of smirked too. The premise is washing your face daily with oil! EVOO! (not just EVOO but I'll discuss particulars later). How could putting oil on an already blemish prone skin really work? Does it work? That is the question we will be finding out.
In the process of learning about the oil cleansing method I have come across a myriad of websites and folks that have gone shampoo free and body wash free as well. I figured, if I'm going to try one, I might as well try it all. I'm also going to be investigating the success of homemade laundry detergent and probably some homemade household cleaners. Who knows where this might lead! Follow along and we will take the plunge!
Excellent! I can't wait to read all about your discoveries!