A couple days ago I made my first bottle of all-purpose household cleaner. (Here is the link to the how-to video)I followed the recipe exactly. I used 2 cups of water, 1 cup of white distilled vinegar and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. I don't have any essential oils so I didn't use any. I already had a spray bottle (be SURE it's 32 oz.). The spray bottle I had was clear thought. So, I got creative. I got one of my husband's black sock that had lost it's mate long ago and I used that to cover the bottle. (See pics). The first place I used the cleaner was in the kitchen. I was happy with the results but my kitchen wasn't that dirty. I didn't have any greasy spots to try it on. So, we'll have to wait and see about that later. Then I took it upstairs. I noticed a spot on the wall in my kids' bedroom. I think it was chocolate plus lots of grimy hand dirt. So, I sprayed the wall with the cleaner. It came off splendidly! The darker spots I had to spray twice and it I let it sit on the spot for a couple of seconds it seemed easier to wipe.
Next stop, the bathroom. Now, as many of you know, how clean my bathroom is means a great deal to me! This is the true test! My bathroom was not all that messy since I tend to clean it very regularly. However, the children had all taken baths, the sink had little bits of makeup powder in it and basic dirt. First off, the sink. It cleaned well but it didn't shine like I like. So I rinsed it with water and dried it with a towel and voila - there was the shine! I also used it on the mirror. I wondered if the hydrogen peroxide would make it streak. Nope. It looked at first like it might streak but after it dried it looked great. Next, toilet. The cleaner did a fine job on the outside of the toilet. I did not use it on the inside because I still have a Clorox wand and I used that. Then, the shower. I did not do an extensive test on how it handles the grout grime. I just did a basic surface clean. I sprayed the whole shower and tub and wiped it with a cloth. As I got to the tub I was skeptical. I sprayed it and let it sit for a couple seconds. I took the cloth and started scrubbing. I quickly realized it was going to take some serious elbow grease to get the tub clean. I think I might need to get a bristle scrub brush of some kind. As I was scrubbing, thick dark grime was coming off but it had to be scrubbed and scrubbed. I was wondering if what I heard on t.v. might be right- that the cleaners containing bleach just bleach the dirt and they don't actually remove it? Hmmm. I don't know but I think I will have to try it again and see if it gets easier. Eventually, I got all the grime off and rinsed the whole shower and tub and dried it with a towel and it sparkled. I even sprayed and wiped the tile floor. My bathroom looked and felt clean.
In summary, I think I'll keep using the cleaner for most everything. I might eventually try to find a better cleaner for the tub. And for sure I WILL get some essential oils to add. My house smelled of vinegar for a while after cleaning. I admit, I would rather smell vinegar than harsh chemical fumes but vinegar is not a light, happy smell. I think lavender or lemongrass may be in order for the future.
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